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* Healing Testimonial 

It was two years ago when I first received Reiki Healing from Aya. I had heard about REIKI but I was little bit suspicious about trusting something I couldn't see. However I was mentally fatigued and couldn't be positive for a long time due to facing life challenges so I was desperate for any help. So, I tried reiki healing. 

I lay down, closed eyes and just relaxed. As soon as healing started, I felt a strong energy with some comfortable sensations of a warm feeling.  After the healing, this relaxed feeling and sensation stayed inside me and I felt light, felt positive and uplifted. I could keep the positive feeling and great sensation even after the healing and understood the way of self-care and how to release stress. 

I was in shock to discover what just one healing could do to balance my spirituality, and change my way of positive thinking.

Talking about Reiki, life force energy, mindfulness and wellbeing before healing also helped to support me mentally too.

Gendai Reiki principles help me stay positive in my daily life and I feel a huge improvement in my life. 

I strongly recommend Aya's Reiki healing with confidence.

- M.S.    May. 2022












私は自信をもってあやちゃんからの霊気を勧めます。M. S. May. 2022

* Healing Testimonial 

This was my first experience to have Reiki.

It was a brilliant experience and I felt so relaxed and calm myself. I am normally very busy with my work and kids but when I had reiki that was my quality time.  

 - Mrs J.   April 2022


私にとって、霊気は初めての体験でした。それは素晴らしい体験であり、私自身の身も心も落ち着かせる事ができました。日頃、仕事と子育てで、とても忙しい毎日なのですが、霊気をしている間、それはとてもクオリティの高い時間でした。 Mrs J    April 2022

* Healing Testimonial 

Aya’s treatment was very relaxing and I felt an incredible energy shifting everyday stress and worries. After the treatment I felt lighter, calmer and had a positive mind! 

Highly recommended. I will definitely be going back for more treatments.  

 - Chako.  Dec. 2021

* Healing Testimonial 

I met Reiki when I had an illness whilst seeking a natural remedy and spiritual growth for my own self-care.

I had regular healing and whenever Aya's hands were on me, I felt warm and calm. I also felt refreshed and fulfilled after receiving healing continuously. Not only the lovely healing but also Aya's character and positive thinking helped me feel healed, relaxed, healthy and  motivated for my body, mind and spirit.

 - K. R. Nov 2021


体調を壊していて、精神的な安定も求めていた時に初めて体験した霊気ヒーリング。彼女に手を当てて貰っている間は毎回とても心地良く、終わった後はスッキリと満たされた感覚に。霊気ヒーリングはもちろんの事、彼女の人柄と何事にもポジティブな姿勢に心身共に癒されました。K. R. Nov 2021


* Healing Testimonial 

Relaxing, enjoyable and beneficial experience.

Aya is a super positive and happy person who can help you feel welcome.

She provides you a peaceful and comfortable place. If you are not sure about Reiki, just try it.

 - Y.B. July 2021



前向きで暖かく迎えてくれたあやさんが共有してくれた平安で快適な空間。霊気ってどうなの?って思っていたらまず試してみて欲しいです。Y. B. July 2021

* Gendai Reiki Practitioner Testimonial

When I feel lost, nervous, anxious or other situation I'm in, by connecting with Reiki wherever I am, I can rearrange myself to focus on the "Now & Here".

Not only can I support myself but also my family, friends and others which I am grateful for.

I feel supported by a circle of Reiki-friends with sharing each others ideas and experiences which helps me a lot to keep learning and to feel Reiki close by.

 - M.S. July 2021

* Healing Testimonial 

Feeling warm energy from a healer's hands was so comfortable, relaxing, calming and peaceful.

Loved the feeling and it lasted for a while even after the session.

 - M.S. June 2021



セッション後、自宅でもその感覚はしばらく続いたのが、心地よかったです。M.S. June 2021

* Gendai Reiki Practitioner Testimonial

I decided to learn Reiki after my son survived meningitis. I felt like I was useless when he was suffering, so it has been a great comfort for me that I found something I can do for my family. Reiki is a great way to enhance your health and it is definitely giving a positive influence to our mental health as well.

It was a life changing event for me when I realised that something we can’t see does definitely exist. 

Aya has been very supportive whenever I have any questions or help, and I also could meet great people through Reiki and I’m very grateful for that. My journey of Reiki has just begun and I’m really looking forward to seeing how I can be the best of myself through it!

 - M. T. Nov 2020

* Healing Testimonial 

My first Reiki treatment by Aya was sensational. She’s a great healer and very passionate about her work. 
I was going through some tough and stressful times but after the session I felt not only relaxed but full of positivity. 
I am grateful to her and highly recommend her treatments.   Y.T Sep 2020


あやさんに出会えて、彼女の霊気を受ける事が出来る事にとても感謝しています。Y.T. Sep 2020

* Healing Testimonial 

I have felt deeply relaxed and healed not only physically but also mentally. During the healing I felt such a comfortable, warm and calm sensations with the sounds of birds, wind etc... After the healing I carried on feeling relaxed, calm, energetic and motivated. I am truly grateful that I can regularly receive the healing for my own self-care which is the most important thing for me and my family. I strongly recommend Gendai Reiki and I would love everyone to experience this fantastic Reiki Healing.   Kazuyo Wigley Aug 2020



ヒーリングを受けている時はとても心地良く 耳に鳥や風の音が心地良く入ってきて暖かくリラックスでき、ヒーリングの後もリラックスとともに身体が軽くなって力が漲るような何かすごくやる気になります。定期的に自分のために癒される時間を持てる事にそして施術してもらえる環境にある事にとても感謝しています。すごくおすすめなので是非みなさんにも体感してもらいたです。Kazuyo Wigley Aug 2020

* Gendai Reiki Practitioner Testimonial

I am truly grateful that I have met Gendai Reiki while being a parents of young child. Gendai Reiki's Five Principles {Just for today, Do not be angry, Do not worry, Be grateful, Do what you meant to do, Be kind to others} and methods are very useful for childcare as well as self-care. We ,as parents, constantly have little worries and frustrations but practising Gendai Reiki with the fantastic Five Principle helped and supported me in so many ways, making a huge difference for myself and my family. In addition, whenever I feel hard not to be angry, I can use the Gendai Reiki style self healing techniques and Haturei-ho practice (easy breathing and meditation practice) which is very useful and easy to use. And most importantly, I can do healing to my child and my family which is absolutely amazing. I am strongly feeling the positive improvement for my relationship with my child and my family everyday though my Reiki Practice. Just for today, live Brightly, Happily and Calmly, find purpose of life and live with joy and gratitude -  this is becoming my life style which I enjoy deeply.

Please come and join in our fantastic Reiki Circle of Friends and live healthy and happily together.  

 - Kazuyo Wigley  Aug2020


 霊気と出会えて五戒を毎日唱える事で 子育て世代に霊気を実践するのは子育てする親にも子供にもとてもいい影響があると思います。子育てでは小さな心配やイライラなどあると思うのですが五戒では 「今日だけは怒るな、心配するな、感謝して行に励め 人に親切に」今日だけは心配しない! これだけで随分と私は救われました。毎日心配して過ごすのと子供の力を信じて今を楽しんで生活するのとでは随分違うと思います。そして 今日だけは怒るなも難しい時には霊気の自己ヒーリングや発霊法などを自分のタイミングでいつでもできます そしてなにより子供や家族にも霊気を送ることができます 心に余裕が出てきて家族の関係性にとてもいい影響があると感じています。

今日1日明るく楽しく、心安らかに過ごし、感謝し役割を果たして人に親切に! これで好循環で回っていくと実感しています。 みなさんも霊気を実践して楽しい毎日を送りませんか?Kazuyo Wigley  Aug 2020

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